Health Guide – Understanding how NHS works


The National Health Service (NHS) was established by the government to provide health services for all British population and funded by public taxes. This service is based on people’s needs for health care instead of their ability to pay for it. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have separate NHS services.

The following guide will explain simply how NHS is arranged, so you can better understand how to get the treatment you or your family members need.

Ministry of Health and its Authority

NHS is run by the Ministry of Health, who reports to the State Secretary for Health.

In total, the Ministry of Health is responsible for NHS and providing social care through strategic health authority.

Strategic Health Authority (SHAS)

This authorities oversee the trust that runs NHS services in their area. There are 10 of them in total and their responsibilities including developing and integrating plans to improve health services.

The main belief that the health authority that is supervised is as follows:

Primary Care Trusts (PCT)

This is your first call port in providing treatment when you have medical problems and need to visit a doctor. There are 152 trust primary care and they control 80 percent of the NHS budget. PCT ensures that there is enough health services for people in their area. In total, their services include providing hospitals, dentists, collection experts, mental health services, filtering, pharmacies, NHS Walk-in centers and patient transportation.

Acute trust

This guardian has the responsibility of managing hospitals to ensure that they are high quality and efficient in spending money. It can also include services such as health professional training at universities and provide health, clinical, or home care centers in the local community.

Hospital and Foundation Trustees

Overall, there were 290 NHS hospital guardians who oversee 1 600 NHS Hospital and specialist treatment centers.

Foundation Trusts, a total of 83 at this time, is a new form of NHS Hospital which is specifically designed for local needs.

Ambulance Trust

There are 13 trust ambulances in England, while Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have a separate version. This guardian provides emergency access to health care – Their emergency control room prioritizes calls for ambulances and decides on what response will be sent. They also provide transportation for patients who need to go to the hospital for treatment.

Maintenance of care

The maintenance of care is the result of NHS and local authorities who agree to work in partnerships to create closer relationships between health and social care.

Mental health trust

According to their title, this trust provides health and social care services for people with mental health problems. This includes health screening plus counseling and psychological therapy

Special health authority

Unlike strategic health authorities that focus on local services, special health authorities provide NHS health services to all of Britain or Britain.

Their division includes the following. Agency:

Medicines, Health Products and Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

MHRA provides licenses to drugs so they can be sold and regulate medical drugs and medical devices in the UK to ensure they meet certain safety, quality, performance, and effectiveness standards.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice)

Nice provides national guidance on poor health prevention and care. It also creates guidelines whether certain treatments are available in NHS in the UK and Wales.

National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)

NPSA consists of three divisions specifically designed to help improve patient safety in NHS throughout England.

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